Aleksandr Lapshin's Freshman Recital
Aleksandr Lapshin gave his first Oberlin recital in Fairchild Chapel, as do most students playing non-required recitals. The Conservatory uses this space almost exclusively for Historical Performance programs for its natural stone, echoey sound—perfect for a cappella voices singing Orlando di Lasso or Baroque Orchestras playing Monteverdi. But as followers of this blog know well, we guitarists love this space and use it regularly. The sound of the solo guitar soars in this high-ceilinged room, creating a fantastic listener experience as well as a wonderful sensation for the performer.
Aleksandr Lapshin on stage in Fairchild Chapel.
Aleks played a wonderful program of pieces, opening with selections from Bach’s first Lute Suite, BWV 996. His counterpoint was crystal clear and his control over long-shape dynamics riveting. (The full program is reproduced at the end of the post).
He followed the Bach with Regondi’s first Etude, played with both virtuosic abandon and impressive control.
Barrios’ La Catedral was next, clearly a favorite of this performer.
Two gentle Catalonian folksongs followed, as arranged by Llobet, then Aleksandr’s finale—the Gran Sarabanda of Brouwer.
Aleks plays with a remarkably fluid technique, a big warm sound, and an impressively mature sense of the dynamic arcs of his pieces. His performance was highly professional and polished. Bravo Aleks, for an auspicious start to your Oberlin career!!