Aidan Wiley Lippke's Senior Recital
Aidan’s final Oberlin solo recital came during our weirdest semester ever, this pandemic-inflected anomaly that has become everyone’s new normal. So in spite of his dedicated preparation and diligent work, he had to play for an empty room and a camera, like everyone else. No pre-senior recital road-trip concert tour this time. And no physical embrace of his many friends and family for the key final event of his undergraduate years. The only person in the room for this concert: me!
Still, it was Aidan at his best, after an extraordinary period of musical growth that has lasted his whole time in Oberlin. Aidan had successfully prepared and performed three full recital programs at Oberlin before this, hewing to a philosophy I describe here, that students can often play more than 1.5 recitals in the four-five years of their undergraduate experience. Links to Aidan’s other recitals are at the end of this post.
His program, featuring several of the key virtuoso works in the repertoire, was fiendishly difficult, but was executed with mastery and calm. He played major works by Ascencio, Regondi, Assad, and Petrassi, and offered a couple of movements by Merlin as a friendly opener. He demonstrated remarkable technical facility and musical aplomb as he navigated these wildly different styles and instrumental challenges. It was some of the best guitar playing we’ve had on the stage here. (The full program is at the end). Here are some images from the evening:
Aidan Wiley Lippke and the empty room.
And here is the full program:
I wish good luck to Aidan Wiley Lippke on his future musical journey, and hope he finds success and joy wherever he lands! It’s been my great pleasure.
Aidan’s Junior Recital
Aidan’s Sophomore Recital
Aidan’s Freshman Recital