Oberlin Junior, Collin Sterne, Goes Baroque
Collin Sterne picked up the Conservatory's theorbo last spring and played a short set on it for his sophomore recital. (Here is a post on the plucked instruments Oberlin Conservatory owns for student use, and here is Collin's Sophomore Recital).
This semester, though, Collin went all-in. He joined the Oberlin Baroque Orchestra (Beth Wenstrom, Director). In addition, he participated in a special conducting project by fellow student Matt Bickett called the Oberlin Cantata Project, performing with the ensemble three times, in different locations, including in Cleveland. Finally, he participated in a small chamber setting on this semester's Historical Performance Divisional Recital. He learned a lot of music, followed a lot of conducting and coaching, all on an instrument fundamentally new to him, and with notation systems (both the tablature and the reading of continuo) that were essentially unfamiliar. By all accounts he did really well. He worked REALLY hard, practiced a LOT and learned a ton. Did it scare him off? No: he's signing up for it again next semester.
I'm really proud of Collin for this musical adventure. I'm excited to see where it might lead. Bravo, Collin, on rising to a fascinating challenge!
Here are some programs and images from his theorbo work this semester:
The Cantata Project poster. Collin is second from left.
Warming up for the Cantata Project's performance in Cleveland at the Church of the Covenant.
A page from the Church of the Covenant performance program.
On stage in Kulas Hall for the Historical Performance Divisional Recital
Collin played in the Merula aria.
And finally, here is the program of the Oberlin Baroque Orchestra concert: