Grammy Winner Jason Vieaux with harpist Yolanda Kondonassis at Oberlin.
Just three days after his Grammy Awards whirlwind, placing him in a VERY small club of solo guitarist with Grammys, Jason Vieaux was on stage at Oberlin Conservatory in a duet with Oberlin's own Yolanda Kondonassis, professor of harp. The duo just released a CD of marvelous repertoire and are on their CD release tour.

Yolanda's playing is breathtaking-she is well known in harp circles as one of Americas brightest and most ambitious talents. Just last year, she released another CD, this one a gorgeous Ravel chamber music collection; the Oberlin recital of that program was exquisite.
This duo program was arresting in its beauty and the range of styles and moods on stage. The duo played works by Gary Shocker, M. D. Pujol, Alan Hovhannes, the incredible Fantasia by Xavier Montsalvatge and more. In addition to the duets, each musician offered a solo (see program, below).
Yolanda and Jason evinced an easy rapport and if there was stress behind the program (Jason played the Aranjuez Concerto with the Akron Symphony four days later), it was not evident.

The large room was sufficiently full to feel crowded and the audience, demanding an encore, were rewarded with a first-performance of Jason's arrangement of "It's a Wonderful World"- a delight. Thanks, both, for a terrific evening of arcane but gorgeous music.